Introducing Vyper market to Arbitrum

Vyper Protocol
2 min readJun 27, 2023


🎉 Exciting News from the Vyper Team 🎉

We’re thrilled to announce that Vyper Protocol is now live on Arbitrum!

Our mission to bring scalability, cost-efficiency, and modularity to DeFi derivatives continues, and we are proud to bring our innovative solutions to a wider audience.

Our new platform is accessible at This marks a significant step in our commitment to provide a seamless experience for our users, and we’re excited to see how this expansion will impact the DeFi landscape.

With the launch on Arbitrum, Vyper Protocol will leverage the power of Optimistic Rollup technology, providing faster transactions and lower fees for all our users. Now, you can enjoy the benefits of Vyper’s derivatives trading platform with the speed and efficiency of the Arbitrum Layer 2 solution.

Whether you’re a trader or a liquidity provider, you’ll now have more opportunities to interact with Vyper Protocol. You can trade various derivative products, provide liquidity, and contribute to the growth of the decentralized finance ecosystem.

We want to thank our dedicated community for your continued support. Your passion and commitment are what drive us to innovate and expand.

Stay tuned for more updates, and we can’t wait to see you on the Arbitrum network!

Happy trading!

The Vyper Team



Vyper Protocol

A DeFi primitive allowing users to create, trade, and settle any kind of on-chain derivatives 🐍