Introducing On-Chain Games on Vyper Protocol

Vyper Protocol
2 min readJul 4, 2023


Vyper coin flip

We are delighted to announce an exhilarating new development on the Vyper Protocol platform. After diligent work and unwavering commitment from our team, we are launching a brand new category: Games. Our objective is to blend the thrill of gaming with the innovative world of DeFi, and our first release in this line-up is the fast-paced, simple yet highly addictive on-chain coin flip game.

How Does the Coin Flip Game Work?

The game is straightforward but nonetheless thrilling. Here’s how you can join in on the fun:

  1. Choose Your Token: We accommodate various tokens for betting, offering our users flexibility and a wide range of options.
  2. Place Your Bet: Predict the outcome of the coin flip. Will it be heads or tails? Make your choice and place your bet.
  3. Wait for the Coin Flip:The coin will then be flipped on-chain. The anticipation is part of the fun!
  4. Winning: If your prediction is correct, you win! It’s that simple.

Enhancing Your Gaming Experience

In addition to the main gameplay, we have integrated several features to further enrich your gaming experience on our platform:

  • Day and Night Mode: We cater to all our users’ preferences. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, you can switch between our Day and Night themes for a comfortable viewing experience that suits you.
  • Sound Options: For those who prefer an immersive gaming experience, we have enabled sounds. If you like playing in silence, you have the option to turn off the sounds.
  • Confetti Celebration: Every win should feel like a celebration. That’s why we’ve added a confetti celebration for every win. Enjoy the thrill of victory in style.
Vyper coin flip night mode

Remember, while gaming is fun, it’s important to play responsibly. The outcome of the coin flip is purely based on luck, so play wisely and savor the thrill of the game!

Are you ready to join the game? Visit today and start flipping. Good luck, and may the odds be in your favor!



Vyper Protocol

A DeFi primitive allowing users to create, trade, and settle any kind of on-chain derivatives 🐍